Monday, July 12, 2010

Married Life

Hooray for marriage! It's a time for love, growth, patience, and understanding. I just recently got married on May 22, 2010. The months leading up to the wedding were calm for the most part. I knew that I was going into something great with someone who is great. We had dated for over two years and we knew that the time to seal the deal was quickly approaching. We had no idea what married life was going to be like and yet we were not scared or apprehensive. We knew that this was what God had in His plan for us. Like the old saying goes, "When ya know...ya know." It's true! Matt and I waited on a lot of things before we got married and I think that made a big difference. We did not live together, share bills, or have sex before we got married. As my gyno put it, "How did you manage that?!" With my face beet red, I didn't know what to say. In my heart, I wanted to wait on all of those things so that Matt and I could experience them together as a union. I knew it wouldn't always be easy, and it's not, but it's new and it's just between us. Our married life is like a secret place where only he and I can go. It's a place of non-judgement, understanding, acceptance, and love. Those of you who are married probably know what I am talking about. Marriage is sacred and it's sad that not all couples think of it that way. Is marriage always easy or fun? No. Sometimes, it's just difficult or just plain hard. Yet, it's always worth it. There are times when Matt and I are completely in sync. We cook together, watch movies, joke around, laugh, play video games, or....indulge in other fun things. However, there are other times when I just want to fold some laundry or take a nap and he is bouncing off the walls like a puppy looking for the next fun thing. These are the times when it gets frustrating because it's like trying to get a child off of a sugar high. In his defense, he probably feels like he lives with an old granny sometimes because I love to sleep even if it's just a cat-nap. However, we get each other and we're learning each other. It takes time. It takes patience on both ends and it takes the wisdom of knowing that nothing is perfect, even marriage. However, marriage can have some pretty perfect moments. For instance, I was dreading coming home from work one day because the house was a complete wreck. Dishes were piled high, my dryer had apparently thrown up clothes all into our living room, and our room was a disaster. I did NOT feel like cleaning and then having to cook. However, I opened my apartment door and I literally gasped. My first thought was that someone had robbed us. The house was clean! The clothes were folded and put away, the dishes were cleaned, and our room was straightened. I looked around in disbelief and had a brief moment of hysteria because I was so happy. "My husband rocks!" is all I could say. I literally wanted to jump on the couch but I feared that I might break it. (I really should do P-90 more) He came home from work and I pounced on him like a puppy smothering him with kisses. Don't worry, he didn't mind. He showed me more love by cleaning the house and doing his part than any date we've ever had. I was absolutely in love with him simply because he helped. That's all us ladies really need. Helping out shows love, respect, and responsibility. Those are key traits in a marriage, right? Right! Of course, Matt does his part in other ways, but when he does simple things that really mean a lot, those are the times when I literally feel my heart swell for him. I get chills just knowing that he's mine and I thank God for sharing him with me. Sound cheesy? Well, it's not. It's how love is supposed to be. How God intended it to be. Every relationship is different and you may get your satisfaction in other ways from your spouse but every good deed has the basic principle in mind: love.

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