Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby Bumps - A Story of Infertility

Hello! Yes, it's been a while since my last blog. I lost the spark there for a little while but I'm back!

I wanted to write today about an issue that my husband, Matt, and I have been facing now for 19 long months--infertility. Yes, unfortunately, Matt and I have been trying for a sweet little Ward baby for over a year and a half with no success. It's been a long process and a VERY emotional one but it's one that I feel that I can finally write about. I want to share our story with you so that when a child does come into our lives, we can give the full glory to God.  It will not have been anything that he or I or our doctor will have done. It will be God's doing alone. I am completely open to the fact that a child may come into our lives via adoption and this thought excites me! After all, wasn't it God who adopted all of us to be His children? Doesn't He love us just as much as He loves Jesus? Yes! He does! We're not ruling out having a child of our own but we're starting to look into different options.  But first, let me share a little bit of our story with you.

We started trying for a baby on February 14, 2011. Yes, Valentine's Day. How appropriate, right? We had been married 9 months and we had been together at that point for three years. We were ready to start trying. The thought made us giddy, excited, nervous, and thrilled all at the same time. We felt like God had put into both of our hearts that we wanted to be parents.  We had decided a few nights before that we were going to start trying on Valentine's Day. We thought that would be a fun and cool day to get the baby making process going. Looking back, I think Matt and I thought it would happen that very night. I didn't know nearly as much as I do now about what it takes to actually conceive a child, but nevertheless, we thought it would happen immediately. Well, it didn't. It didn't happen that night or the next or any of the nights that followed for the next year. There were times when I thought I might be pregnant. My period would be a few days late so I would hop in my car and rush over to CVS and buy a pregnancy test. At first, I would buy the most expensive brands. I wanted to MAKE SURE that the test I was buying was the real deal. I'd rush home, take the test, and wait those long two minutes. I'd sometimes close my eyes and hold my breath and think that when I'd open my eyes, two pink lines would be waiting for me. However, they never came and my period would show up sometimes only hours later. I would be crushed. As the months went by, I became more and more frustrated. I knew that God's timing was perfect and I kept this fact in the front of my mind. However, it still didn't keep the disappointment at bay.  A friend of mine lent me a book on fertility and I would read the chapters on what I could do to up my fertility chances. I started taking my temperature and logging it, checking my body for certain signs and charting my periods. At the time, I was only sharing our story with a few close people ( a few friends and my sister) and some of them would give me all kinds of suggestions: "Try putting a pillow under your butt when you have sex," "Put your feet on the headboard so the little guys can swim," "Don't get up for thirty minutes after you're done!" So....after we'd do the baby dance, I would have my feet on the headboard with a pillow under me and I'd lay there for thirty minutes. I eventually got smart and put a radio beside my bed. However, I still wasn't getting pregnant. I had read that it sometimes took couples about six months to a year to get pregnant so at the time, I wasn't really too concerned. I was mainly just confused as to why it wasn't happening.  I just figured we weren't hitting the right date. As a year of trying approached, I knew it was time to talk to my OBGYN about what we were experiencing.

In February of 2012, I was scheduled for my yearly GYN appointment. I asked Matt to go with me so that he could help me talk to my doctor about what we had been going through for the last year. I wanted Matt there to help me discuss with our doctor what we had tried and I wanted him to be there in case our doctor had anything important to tell us. As I was waiting for my doctor to come in, I began going through the questions in my head that I wanted to ask him. However, when he came in the door, my mind went blank and my head started to run all kinds of thoughts together. I mean, come on, it's hard to really think about fertility questions when you know you're about to be violated by a practical stranger. After my exam was over, he asked if we had any problems or concerns. Now was the time! I told him how we had been trying for a year exactly and that we had had no luck in getting pregnant. I must have talked non-stop for five or six minutes! After I finished spilling my thoughts I stared at him waiting for a response. He simply nodded and said that sometimes it takes couples a while to get pregnant but usually, there is nothing to worry about. He suggested that the first thing we should do is get Matt's little guys looked at. I was FINE with that! Yes, let's do Matt first! Sucker! We scheduled a date and got Matt set up with the lab. Boy, was he nervous! Have ya ever seen the movies where the guy goes in a room full of PlayBoys and dirty videos and he's given a nice clean place to do his business? Well, that's not how it happened. They shoved Matt in a bathroom and locked the door. Poor guy. Not sure how he succeeded but he gave the people what they needed and shamefully went back to work. Did I mention that he works at McLeod and knew half the people in the lab? The things ya do for love, right?

A few days later, we got a call from the lab and we were told that Matt's little soldiers were all marching to the right tune! Yay! We knew that it would be harder to fix a fertility problem with Matt then it would be to fix a fertility problem with me. So...we were happy and thanked God for this blessing. Matt was struttin' around the house like a cock in a hen house! (No pun intended)

The happy feeling was short lived for me though. It dawned on me that if Matt was fine....then something was wrong A sickening feeling hit my stomach. What could it be? Did I have eggs? Was I ovulating at all? Were my ovaries broken for lack of a better word? I called my doctor back and we scheduled a lab test to get my hormone levels checked. If there is a hormonal imbalance, it can be hard to get pregnant. We had to do the lab test on day 21 of my cycle so I had to wait a little while. In the meantime, life went on as usual. We worked, we hung out with friends, we slept, we ate, we sexed, we slept. Repeat. Day 21 arrived and I showed up to the lab to have my blood drawn. I gave a blood sample and was told it would be another 3-4 days before I would get results. *SIGH* I went on about my business and finally got a call a few days later from my doctor's nurse. It went something like this....
"Hi, may I speak to Mary Katherine (Yes, that's my real name) Ward please?"
"This is she....."
"Hi! This is _________ from Dr. _____________(Respecting this Doctor's privacy) Office. I just wanted to let you know that all of your levels are fine."
"Oh....REALLY? I just find that hard to believe because both Dr. _____________ and I thought my progesterone level would be off"
" you test on day 21?"
" think Dr. ________________ forgot about that. Let me show your chart to him again and I'll tell him this was day 21. We'll call you back." --HANGS UP

............what the crap............

I'm sorry but this was strike one for me. This doctor ORDERS a day 21 lab for me and fails to make a note of it in my chart. I'm not one to usually question people of higher education but I'm glad I did in this case because this is the phone call I got a few hours later....

"Hi, Mrs. Ward?"
"Hi. Yes."
"Yes, Dr. __________looked at your levels again and evaluated them at day 21 levels and we need you to come in for a visit."
"Oh...why? What's going on?"
"Well, your progesterone level is very low and he just wants to talk with you."

We scheduled an office visit for a week later. Ah...more waiting.

After this phone call, I asked Matt to come sit outside with me. I told him about the phone calls I received and told him that something might be off because of my progesterone levels. I also discussed with him how disappointed I was with the way that the phone calls went. I felt like it was a bit slack on the doctor's part for not noting my day 21 levels. Again, I'm not one to usually question doctors but if I had not....who knows where I would be now? I would have gone on about my way thinking that everything was fine.

A week went by and I asked my sister to come with me to my doctor's appointment. My sister is a nurse, my best friend, and a strong support for me. I go to her about everything. She was one of the first people I told when we started trying. I knew she would be happy for us and would by supportive of us 100% of the way. She's one of my biggest fans. Being a nurse and a mother of three, she also knows questions to ask about fertility that I don't. So...she tagged along. We waited in my doctor's actual office for what seemed like forever. We joked about how he was probably looking at somebody's else's hoo-hah just then and that's what was taking so long. He finally walked in with his tea glass in his hand and sat down. "So what can I do for you today?"he asked.

"Um...I dunno. You asked me here." I half-heartedly joked.
  He smiled....half-heartedly.

*Katie get it together* I thought. "Well, your nurse said you wanted to talk about my low progesterone levels." I said

He sat up in his chair, flipped open my chart, looked for about 1 second and flipped my chart closed. "Yes, you're progesterone level at day 21 was 0.06.

"Whoa..." my sister said.

My head swished to my doctor to my sister and back to my doctor.

"What does that mean?" I asked

"Well, a normal progesterone level at day 21 is about a 15 or a 16. You're under 1. That's extremely low. You're almost depleted of progesterone."

"And that means...." I said with frustration rising in my voice. I'm not a nursing major people! I don't know what these things mean! Put your damn tea glass down and talk to me!

"It means that you're not ovulating." He says rocking back and forth in his chair.

"Oh my gosh. Wow." Yep, that's all I could muster. My mind went blank. I wasn't ovulating all this time. For a whole year, I wasn't releasing eggs. No wonder I couldn't get pregnant. There was no cover for Matt's soldier to take refuge in!

"So, what should she do from here?" My sister asked. Thank God she was there. I was staring at my doctor with my jaw on the floor.

"Well, I'm going to put her on Femara."
He went on to explain that this is like "Clomid on steroids" but you don't have the risk of having twins. It's actually a medicine given to breast cancer patients so they won't get cancer again but it apparently can be used for fertility too.

*Katie...hello...Katie! Talk!* "Oh, so um.....what... I you think we should do an ultrasound first? I almost wonder if I have polycystic ovarian syndrome because my periods have been kind of whacky lately and I've had some cramping in my ovaries a bit over the last year. I mean this would make sense too since I am not ovulating."

"PCOS is a possibility but I don't think an ultrasound is necessary right now. We'll just start the Femara and see where we are in 3-6 months."

*Heart sinks* 3-6 MORE months of trying! --Stopping point---Yes, I should have been pleased that we were taking a step forward, but at this point, I couldn't see a lot of positives. Call it what you want but I still felt like something wasn't right.

After our meeting, I walked with my sister to the elevator in silence.

"Well, what do you think?" Asks my sister. She knows something is wrong. We just get each other that way.

I fall apart in tears. "Paige, he wants to put me on a drug that we don't even know will work because he hasn't done an ultrasound to make sure everything inside is WORKING! I don't know if I can go 3-6 MORE months of fruitless attempts at trying to conceive a child. He isn't communicating hardly at all with me and I just don't know what to do or think right now! I feel like something is wrong and he won't even order me an ultrasound!"

"Stay positive. He ordered this medicine for you because he truly thinks it will work! I know a girl who went on it and she got pregnant! Think on the positive side! You can't go into this medicine thinking that it will fail."

*Sniff* "Yeah...guess you're right."

Two months go by. It is now April 2012.  The medicine makes me have hot flashes to where I am sweating almost all the time. I'm moody, irritable, grouchy, and probably just down right witchy. I cry because I don't feel good. My boobs hurt constantly, I'm always burning up, and my hormones are RAGING. Matt has come to call my fits of irritability the "moodies." Bless him. It's a wonder I didn't throw a plate at him during those two months. It's a wonder he even wanted to sleep in the same bed with me much less try for a baby. Despite taking the medicine like I should, I didn't get pregnant. There was one time that my period was late and I went to the dollar store to buy a PT. I remember waiting for the test and closing my eyes and praying that it would be positive. "Please Lord, please. Let it be positive. I will love this child so so much. I'll raise him or her to love and honor you....just please."

.....It was negative. I threw the test in the trash and left the bathroom." I don't think I can do this anymore.  Something has gotta give." These were the thoughts that ran through my mind.

Around this time, it was Spring Break for HPK. My mom and I left for Texas to see my cousin, Brittany. We had a GREAT time. It was a much needed break. The day before I left, my sister texted me suggesting that I switch to a different doctor in the practice that I go to. She said that she talked to this particular doctor and he was amazed that my doctor had not ordered an ultrasound. He said that is usually the FIRST thing that doctors will do when dealing with patients with infertility issues. She asked me to really think about it and to consider switching. It doesn't take me long to decide that a switch is what I really need.

When I get back to Florence I switch to a new doctor. My first appointment with him was wonderful. He actually TALKED TO ME for forty minutes! We went through my entire chart and discussed what had been done and what steps should be taken. I told him that I couldn't take Femara anymore. My body just couldn't take it. So, he respected that and took me off. He wanted to start me with a clean slate. I was so thankful for that.

Unfortunately, one of the topics I hate the most came up during the appointment- my weight. Yes, I am aware that I am thick. I have curves, I have boobs, and I have a booty. I blame it on my grandma....just kidding. But seriously, I have thick girl genes in me somewhere and I like to cook....and eat....and did I mention that I hate exercise? He told me that being overweight can affect my chances of conceiving and that losing just even 5% of my body fat can increase my chances of conceiving. I got that sick feeling in my stomach again. Ughhhhh....losing weight.....the thought of food......BABY. OKAY! LET'S DO THIS! I had a little spark of hope in me. We also scheduled my ULTRASOUND that day! Can I get an AMEN!? I was feeling really good. I had asked EVERY question under the sun and he had actually talked TO me and WITH me. As we were wrapping up, he stopped me.

"I know what you're going through." He said. "My wife struggled with infertility for a couple of years. I know the ups and downs you go through and how hard it is and how much it hurts."

"Dr. _______..." I said with tears welling up

"It's hard. We were at the point where we were filling out adoption papers. We had to answer questions like would we be willing to take a child with special needs and stuff like was difficult. However, we got through it and now we have four children of our own and I actually became an OBGYN because of what we went through."

"It is really hard." I squeak out. "Sometimes, I feel like I am fighting with God. I feel like I am going against what He wants for me and I battle with that. It's hard wanting something SO bad and having the door keep closing." heart feels like it's exploding.

"Well, since you are a believer, you know that God's timing is perfect and He is in complete control of everything." -- (Did I mention that I love this guy?)

We wrapped up the appointment and I left feeling more refreshed than I had in a long time. It's so nice having a doctor who listens, talks, and CARES about who I am and what I'm going through.

A few weeks later, it was time for my ultrasound. Again, my trusty side kick (my sister) tagged along with me to see what was going on. I got to the appointment and I met the ultrasound lady who was super nice. I got my ultrasound and low and behold......I have cysts on my ovaries. Yep, PCOS. My ovaries looked like they had holes in them. Actually, the "holes" are cysts where follicles have failed to release eggs each month. That would explain why I was not ovulating. Was I disappointed that my ovaries are cystic? Yes. Was I glad that we found out what was happening. Yes!

Dr. __________ prescribed me Metformin 500mg 3 times a day to help with my PCOS. What a drug. I've never had so many bathroom issues in my life. This medicine helps regulate sugars and insulin and it does a whole lot of other stuff apparently because at that dosage I could barely keep anything in me. Graphic...I know...but hey, it's part of the journey. I started Metformin in June. Around that time, my doctor told me that the next step would be to have an HSG, or a hysterosalpingogram. 
This is an X-ray test where the doctor puts a certain kind of catheter up the cervix and runs a dye through the catheter so that the dye can travel into the uterus and fallopian tubes to see if the tubes are open. Sounds fun, right? I was DREADING this test. I had heard that it hurt like a son of a gun and I don't like pain. I didn't want this test done. I decided I was going to take the summer and take my Metformin, try to lose weight, and have as much sex as possible to try and get pregnant. I was determined that I was not going to have this test done!!! 

Well, summer came. I took a job at my school working the summer camp program. I worked a certain number of hours each day and when I didn't work I was busy doing errands or housework. Needless to say, I didn't fit a whole lot of exercise into my daily routine. Nor did I lose a whole lot of weight. I still took the Metformin which was hit and miss with my system each day. Some days, I would be sick, sick, sick. Other days, I would be fine. The summer crept by. Matt and I still tried just about every other day and I still took my medicine but nothing was happening.  I didn't understand why I wasn't getting pregnant but I still clung to the hope that it would happen and that God would bless us. Through the summer, I will be honest and say that I really struggled with my faith. I sometimes asked the number one no-no question, "Why, God?" "Why won't you bless us with a child?" Selfishness ran all through me. Matt and I wanted a baby sooo bad. We'd lie in bed at night and talk about baby names and which names we liked and which names would be funny. 

"I like Cameron" Matt would say. ( As in...Cam in .....Panther's Player) 
" know Cameron actually means, 'Crooked Nose'? (Seriously, the baby name website says so.) :-P

I got to the point where every time I would go into Target, I would HAVE to stop by the baby section. I picked out a stroller set I liked. I browsed through the baby clothes. I would gaze at the bottles longingly and try and pick out the brand I thought would be best. I read PARENT magazines and even ordered cute fabric off Etsy in case we ever have a boy. It got bad..... 

The thing that gets me the most though is that Matt wants a baby just as much as I do and I can't give one to him. Not yet anyway. He aches for a baby too. And I know he will be an AWESOME dad. One time he said to me...

"You know, at the hospital, they play a lullaby over the speakers when a baby is born....and sometimes...I wonder...will it ever be our lullaby?" 

It broke my heart when he said this. He showed me right then that he is hurting too. I haven't been on this journey alone, even if I feel that way sometimes. I learned that he needs comfort in this just as much as I do. I knew that I had to get my heart back on God's path if I was going to come out of this strong and not bitter. I knew that I would have to submit to God's will and TRUST Him.

Summer came to a close and it was time for another appointment with my new doc. Matt tagged along this time with me to see what Dr.______________ planned next. The appointment went well but of course, the thing I dreaded came up. The HSG test. "That's really the next step." He said. 

"Okay....let's do it." I said. The test was scheduled for the end of the month. I had three weeks of waiting to go. 

"You can do it." Doc said with a smile. 

August went by quickly. I wrapped up Summer Camp and got started on my classroom. I got the names of my new students and I worked and worked in my classroom. I threw myself into my work and it kept me busy enough so I didn't think about baby Ward. I didn't think much about making baby Ward either. I began to figure it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I began thinking,  "Obviously, something aint quite right and it aint gonna happen overnight." That became my little mantra. Catchy, right?

So, school started and all went well. The test was scheduled for my SECOND day of school. I am in a small group Bible study with my pastor and some of our friends and I had asked everyone to be in prayer for us. I was really scared! Our pastor prayed with us and I felt a little better about everything.  

The day of the test, I had to leave school  a little early to make it to the hospital on time. My nerves were tore up! My stomach was in a knot and my heart was pounding. After I was checked in, I had to go to a waiting room and.....wait.....There seems to be a lot of that when you're trying to get pregnant. I was called back and was then told that Matt couldn't go back with me because a guy had actually passed out when he went back with his wife not too long ago. This kind of made my butt pucker a little bit. What the crap did he see?! So, Matt gave me a kiss and was lead to a different waiting area. Two nurses or techs or whatever they were told me about the procedure and what all would go on during it. They gave me those ridiculous gowns to change into and I was left alone. "Hmm...I could run." I thought. I decided to stay. Might as well get it over with. I changed and was told to get on this odd looking table with this odd looking machine. "I may very well be tortured on this thing" I thought and I climbed up. Dr. _________came in and asked how I was doing. 

"I might throw up." I said....half-joking.

"Oh, dear! Don't do that!" 
"I've had someone throw up on me before, no worries." Said the nurse tech lady. 

"Ah......." My stomach flipped again. 

I laid down on the table and the procedure started. It went exactly how it was explained on If you can deal with your dignity going out the window, then you're fine! Just kidding. It is awkward though. The only part of the test that hurt was when they began running the dye through my tubes. I had to grip the table and focus on something but the pain lasted only seconds. It was kind of neat seeing all my inside lady parts on an X-ray screen. And guess what? All is good! My tubes are open and my baby hotel can house a baby if it ever decides to! Such a blessing! 

 After the procedure, Dr. ___________talked with Matt and me and told us that we have to take the month of September off to make sure all of the dye is out of my system. We don't want any radioactive eggs getting loose. At the end of October, he will start me on Clomid and we will see how it works out.

I will continue taking the Metformin as well. All major testing is done and other than my ovaries not spitting out eggs, everything works. The Clomid will help stimulate my ovaries so that I can release eggs. I am really really hopeful that it will all work out and that God will bless us through this process. 

The last 19 months have been crazy. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of frustration, a lot of hope, and a lot of prayer. We are still very hopeful and I am FINALLY at a place of contentment. Thank you, Lord! A friend a while back told me, "Katie, you have to be content with where you are." At the time, I didn't get what she was saying and it almost kind of offended me. I knew she meant well but I took it the wrong way. No one knows what you're going through unless they're in it with you. HOWEVER, I look back and I am like, "wow...she was right." Being content with where you are is what gives you peace through the process. If you're not content, you're a mess. And I was. I was a big fat mess. I was losing my faith which I had so strongly before, I was trying to drive a ship alone and it was sinking, God felt like He was a million miles away, and I was frustrated with life and all that it included. I was a mess. 

Through this process and all the baby bumps along the way, I have learned SO SO much. I have learned so much about my body and how it works. I have learned that I have some medical issues that I need to get taken care of. I have learned about PCOS and what can help treat it. I have learned that God will allow trouble in your life so that you can grow and so that you can grow towards Him. I know that I am on this journey for a reason. God has not placed a child in our arms for a reason. I don't know why but I am trusting Him. 

I've learned that a baby will not complete me. Having Jesus in my heart is what completes me. I have a wonderful husband and I am so blessed to have him but he is not what completes me either. My relationship with Jesus and with my Heavenly Father is what makes me complete. A baby will not make me whole and I get that now. As much as I want that little spot in my heart to be filled, I know that it will not make or break me now if it never happens naturally. I pray that if it can't happen naturally that God will bless us through adoption. 

I want to be a mommy so bad. I want to be pregnant. I want to go through labor and delivery. I want to get up during the night and change diapers. I want to pick out paint colors for a nursery. I want to pick out a crib and laugh as Matt tries to put it together. I want to snuggle with my baby and breathe in his or her scent. I want to watch Matt be a daddy. I want to kiss boo-boos and give baths and go back-to-school shopping. I want to take my child to church and watch his or her love for God grow. I want to watch my child get married and say, "Thank you, God, for sharing this child with me." See, that's the thing. I know that if and when God gives us a child, it will still be God's. He or she will belong to God and I will be responsible for caring for that child while he or she is on Earth. But one day, I will have to give him or her back. 

Parents, your children are true gifts from God. I'm sure you know this. Hug your children each and every day. Kiss them. Love them with all of your heart. And pray with me that at the end of this journey, I will have a baby bump of my own. 

Thanks for reading.
