Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Whew! What a year! My husband, Matt, and I just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on May 22nd. He and I decided that instead of gifts we would take our money and use it towards a vacation at the beach for our anniversary. While sitting on the beach, my mind began to drift back to this time last year. We were newly married and on our way to St. Lucia for our honeymoon. I had not yet moved into the apartment, Mocha was not even a thought, the house was more of a dream than a reality, and I had no idea how I was going to like being a pre-school teacher. I kind of chuckled to myself and looked over at Matt. "Isn't it crazy how far we have come in one year?" I asked. He agreed and we began talking about all that had happened in one year's time.

Jobs: Matt and I both have awesome jobs. I never knew that I could love being a pre-school teacher as much as I do. I look back on my experience as an elementary school student teacher and I know that it was by God's grace that I got through it. Nothing against elementary aged children, but pre-school is where God wants me to be and I am now fully convinced of this fact. I am in a Christian environment where I get to teach small, curious minds about all the wonders of our world and about our awesome God and his son, Jesus. The class I had this past year changed my life! No kidding! I was blessed to teach five girls and five boys. The ten students that God entrusted to me taught me more about life and love than any experience that I have had in a while. As I sit here at my desk I am glancing over at a precious picture frame that holds my class picture with my students. I am staring at ten precious faces that I will always remember. As I look at each individual face, I can mentally see that child coming into the classroom each morning. Some came in shy and quiet while others welcomed me with a huge smile and a "Hello Mrs. Ward!!!" I even had a few students who would stand at the door until I acknowledged their presence! The Lord blessed me with a unique group of kids for sure! I'll always remember how one little boy smelled of his daddy's cologne (He liked smelling nice) or how one little girl could not get a bow to stay in her head to save her life! I'll remember one little girl and the way that her eyes seemed to go right into my soul when she would smile at me and how one little boy would laugh with his whole body. My first class of students taught me patience and that a spilled dixie cup of water is actually not a big deal. I have read about 200 books this year and some of them were repeat offenders of the third or fourth degree (Where the Wild Things Are). I got to hear exciting stories of weekends filled with fun adventures and now understand that the phrase "last year" can sometimes mean "yesterday". I held some of these children when they would cry for various reasons and have doled out more princess and Spider Man Band-Aids than I can count. I'll always remember these children and I am thankful for the wonderful experience that they allowed me to have as their teacher.

Mocha: For those of you who do not know who Mocha is....wait......how could you NOT know who Mocha is?! She's one of the reasons why I get up in the morning! No...literally...she licks me until I wake up! Mocha is the pride and joy of me and Matt's life. We rescued her from the Humane Society last July and she has certainly changed our lives! She has brought us more joy than any earthly possession ever could. She wakes us up each morning with a lovely lick to the face and snuggles up to us at night as we fall asleep. (Yes, she sleeps in our bed...not my idea believe it or not) She has made a miniature daddy of Matt which has proven to me that he will be an awesome daddy to a human baby someday. In fact....he may even be a little OVER protective but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Mocha has also taught me about patience and unconditional love in the moments where I have had to throw my brand new Rainbow sandals or kitten heels in the trash because she decided to have them as a snack. Yep, she definitely taught us about being "parents" in the moment where we had to fork over our Christmas cash to the emergency vet in Columbia because she decided that raiding our stockings full of goods was a good idea. Nevertheless, we love her and she makes me smile every day if not every minute of my life.

House: This past May, Matt and I closed on our first home! We are so excited! The experience was a blessing because the seller paid the majority of the closing costs AND she had all of the repairs done to the house before we moved in. We had enough in savings to get a lot of the interior walls painted which basically made it a brand new house to us. We have enjoyed hanging pictures and art and arranging the furniture just the way we like it. It has also been wonderful having a yard for Mocha to play in. She now gets plenty of outside time whereas in the apartment, she didn't see the light of day very often. I finally feel like I can settle in and get comfortable in my home. Our old apartment was safe and cozy but I knew it wasn't "ours" and that it was not where we were supposed to be for an extended period of time. Our new home actually feels just like that...a home. I am so grateful that I have a place to call "mine" and that God wanted to bless us with this gift. How awesome!

As I reflect on all of the blessings that God has placed in my life over the past year, I am reminded of one awesome verse: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)

This verse could not be any more relevant to my life! God has really allowed Matt and me to prosper this last year and we are so grateful for His many blessings! What an awesome God we have! Matt and I have prayed for specific things and God keeps answering our prayers left and right. It is so comforting to know that God not only has a plan but a SPECIFIC plan for my life, Matt's life, and our marriage. I know that God has great things in store for us and it is exciting to know that I don't have to worry about the timing of everything because He has already figured that out. I just need to learn to sit back, relax, and let God do His thing. I will admit that there are times when I want to have control over situations in my life but God is constantly showing me that He is the one in ultimate control because He knows what is best for me and my life. I encourage you to reflect back on this past year and find the blessings that God gave you and your family. Realizing our blessings and thanking God for them is one way that we praise Him. Have you thanked Him lately?